Namespace Peridot\Leo\Matcher
Peridot\Leo\Matcher\Template |
AbstractMatcher | AbstractMatcher serves as the base for all Matchers. |
CountableMatcher | CountableMatcher a matcher is a matcher that matches numeric values, or reduces a countable value - like array, string, or Countable - to a single numeric value. |
EmptyMatcher | EmptyMatcher determines if an actual value is empty via the php empty() function. |
EqualMatcher | EqualMatcher determines if the expected value and the actual value are loosely equal. Peroforms an == comparison. |
ExceptionMatcher | ExceptionMatcher executes a callable and determines if an exception of a given type was thrown. It optionally matches the exception message. |
GreaterThanMatcher | GreaterThanMatcher determines if the actual value is greater than the expected value. |
GreaterThanOrEqualMatcher | GreaterThanOrEqualMatcher matches that the actual value is greater than or equal to the expected value. |
InclusionMatcher | InclusionMatcher determines if an array or string includes the expected value. |
InstanceofMatcher | InstanceofMatcher determines if the actual value is an instance of the expected class string. |
KeysMatcher | KeysMatcher determines if the actual array or object has the expected keys. If the Assertion has a 'contain' flag set, it will check if the expected keys are included in the object or array. |
LengthMatcher | LengthMatcher determines if an actual array, string, or Countable has a length equivalent to the expected value. |
LessThanMatcher | LessThanMatcher determines if an actual value is less than the expected value. |
LessThanOrEqualMatcher | LessThanOrEqualMatcher determines if an actual value is less than or equal to the expected value. |
Match | A Match is the result of MatcherInterface::match($actual). |
NullMatcher | NullMatcher determines if an actual value is null. |
PatternMatcher | PatternMatcher determines if an actual string value matches a regular expression. |
PredicateMatcher | PredicateMatcher executes a function with the actual value. The PredicateMatcher returns the result of that function call as a Match result. |
PropertyMatcher | PropertyMatcher determines if the actual array or object has the expected property, and optionally matches an expected value for that property. |
RangeMatcher | RangeMatcher matches a number or the length of a countable between a lower and upper bound - both of which are inclusive. |
SameMatcher | SameMatcher determines if an actual value is identical to the expected value. |
SubStringMatcher | SubStringMatcher determines if an actual string contains the expected sub string. |
TrueMatcher | TrueMatcher determines if an actual value is strictly equal to true. |
TruthyMatcher | TruthyMatcher determines if an actual value is truthy. |
TypeMatcher | TypeMatcher determines if an actual value has the same type as the expected type. |
MatcherInterface | MatcherInterface defines how an expected value is matched against certain criteria. A matcher is also responsible for returning the TemplateInterface used for formatting match results. |